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How to wear The Penny Loafer in summer

how to wear the penny loafer in summer

Dress up or down in the shoe that does it all - The Penny Loafer.

As the summer is in full bloom, we can’t wait to throw on our best summer clothes and relax in the sun. So, how do you enjoy the warmest months while still wearing the goes-with-everything classic that is The Penny Loafer? Well, let us sort it out for you. We asked around the team and gathered all the best tips on wearing your favourite pair of penny’s in the summer heat.

the penny loafer black calf the penny loafer black calf


The key to beating the summer heat in my penny loafers... Well, dress light and airy. I use my penny loafer in black calf all year round; in the warmer part of the year, I tend to do the only right thing - going sockless. The Penny Loafer achieves a great, understated look with no socks while still feeling formal.

the penny loafer unlined brown suede the penny loafer unlined brown suede


My go-to summer shoe since I got them is The Penny Loafer in Unlined brown suede. And my oh my, do I like them. It's like slipping on a pair of your favourite house shoes. The thin suede is super breathable and keeps my feet cool whatever the weather. The great thing about these shoes is that you can both wear them with and without socks. In other words, they are super versatile. Match them with anything from jeans to wide airy linen trousers. They work with everything, whether you're at the office or on vacation.

the penny loafer black grain black suede the penny loafer black grain black suede


There is no reason to lose your elegance just because it's the summer. The Penny Loafer, for me, is the perfect shoe every day of the week. They have the ability to look formal when you need them to while adding a relaxed flair to anything you wear. For any summer event where a bit of dressing up is required, The Penny Loafer can step in as a saviour and keep you looking relaxed while proper.

the horsebit loafer black calf the horsebit loafer black calf


The Horsebit Loafer is going to accompany me this whole summer. With its metallic details and contemporary look, I'm sure they'll succeed on the Riviera, as well as in the office. I like wearing them with light denim or more formal trousers. They give that little extra to almost any look I have in mind.