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How to wear boots with jeans

boots with jeans hero

Styling boots with jeans can be done with a formal or casual twist. It's easy to wear boots with jeans, as long as you follow some simple guidelines.

How to style boots with jeans

Mastering the art of styling boots with jeans: a comprehensive guide

Discover the secrets to effortlessly styling boots with jeans, a timeless fashion duo that elevates your casual attire to sophisticated heights. Whether stepping out for a casual meet-up or dressing up for a more formal occasion, mastering the combination of boots and jeans can significantly enhance your style quotient.

Choosing the perfect denim fit

The foundation of a flawless boots-and-jeans ensemble lies in selecting the right denim. Opt for jeans that are wide and long enough to drape over your boots. This choice not only elongates your silhouette but also integrates the boots into your look seamlessly, providing an elevated aesthetic.

Selecting the right boot material

The material of your boots plays a pivotal role in defining the overall vibe of your outfit. For a laid-back, effortless look, consider suede or grain leather, which offers a softer and more textured appearance compared to the polished finish of classic, smooth calf leather. Your selection should reflect the occasion and the specific style statement you aim to make.

Mastering colour coordination

Achieving harmony between the colour of your boots and your jeans can significantly impact your outfit’s coherence. Dark boots pair beautifully with dark-wash jeans, creating a streamlined, sophisticated look. Conversely, lighter boots complement lighter denim shades, perfect for casual daytime outings.

Experiment and personalise your style

Armed with these foundational tips, you’re ready to experiment with different textures, fabrics, and personal touches. Embrace your individuality, and don’t shy away from adding unique elements to your ensemble. Confidence is key—when you feel good in what you wear, it shows.

Remember, styling boots with jeans offers limitless possibilities. Use these guidelines as a starting point and have fun exploring various combinations until you discover the looks that resonate most with you.

Get inspired

To inspire your next boots-and-jeans outfit, here are some of our favourite combinations that celebrate both comfort and elegance.

the alpine boot brown suede everyday
the alpine boot black suede everyday
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the hiking boot brown grain business
the hiking boot brown grain everyday
the alpine boot in black suede
the hiking boot in brown suede
the chukka boot in brown suede
the chukka boot in brown suede 1
the chelsea boot black calf everyday
the hiking boot in black grain
The Chelsea Boot burgundy calf everyday
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the chelsea boot in black calf
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