When buying something from MORJAS, you’ve actively contributed to helping kids access shoes. 1 % of everything we sell is donated straight to our non-profit partner, The Shoe That Grows.
We’ve done this since we started working with them in November 2018. In addition to this contribution, we’re also very motivated to help stimulate local production and job creation. How? The Shoe That Grows manufactures its shoes locally in Mombasa, Kenya. Using local resources is a key in philanthropy. Otherwise, you might risk erupting and de-motivate the local growth and development.
We’ve got some updates from the team at Because International. Emily, Kayla and Andrew were recently in Kenya and did a small shoe distribution. They had an impactful experience distributing shoes to kids who, unfortunately, struggle with jiggers. Jiggers are bugs that eat the flesh of the feet which is something many kids who don’t have access to shoes struggle with.
Giving these kids shoes means that they will be able to live and play like every child should. We’re beyond thankful for you supporting our local eco-system of giving back to our community. The quote from Emily below says it all:
"I would think it a basic human right to have access to treatment and shoes. It’s hard for me to imagine being the parent of any one of these kids and seeing them dealing with jiggers and have no way to afford treatment."
Because International & The Shoe That Grows
261 pairs donated during Q1 2022.
2563 pairs donated in total since start.
$51,260 donated in total.