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How to wear loafers with jeans

how to wear loafers with jeans hero

Just the mere thought of combining a pair of loafers to your favourite jeans might scare you off.
But hear us out, there are several ways to do this.

A casual take on loafers

Blue jeans, a merino sweater and a pair of sneakers is without a doubt a great casual look. But what if you replaced your trusted sneakers with a pair of loafers instead? You will be surprised how easy it is to elevate your outfit by doing so.

4 general tips when wearing loafers with jeans:

1. For a more casual look, go for materials such as suede or grain leather.

2. Straight-fit jeans with more width in the leg opening gives you a nice drape.

3. It can be easier to combine a lighter shade on the loafers with jeans that have a lighter wash and vice versa.

4. Since this is a casual take on how to wear loafers, you can forget all the style-rules and wear them exactly how you want to.

Fabric, texture and color

Just the mere thought of combining a pair of loafers to your favourite jeans might scare you off. But hear us out, there are several ways to do this. You can match your jeans to a more versatile and less formal fabric such as suede. You can also play around with different colors and textures on your loafers until you find your perfect match. A pair of medium brown suede loafers can go really well together with lighter denim, and a pair of darker loafers in grain calf can easily be combined with denim in a darker blue shade.

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Below you will find some of our favorite combinations.

the tassel loafer black calf1
the tassel loafer black calf2
the tassel loafer brown suede
the horsebit loafer black calf
the horsebit loafer brown suede1
the horsebit loafer brown suede
the penny loafer brown suede2
the penny loafer brown suede1
the penny loafer brown suede
the penny loafer black calf
the penny loafer brown suede3
the penny loafer unlined brown suede
the tassel loafer black calf
the tassel loafer brown suede2
the tassel loafer brown suede1